Save the Dates
Check out What's Happening at our Parishes in the next few weeks. You can also go to our calendar for more of What's Happening. If you know of other events not listed please contact Beth 315-695-4531 she would be Happy to add to our Website.
Formed Sign in information: Simply go to and if you are already a
user click on “sign-in” and if you are a new user click
on “sign-up” then choose parish user and select St Ste-
phen’s Phoenix then enter the required information.
Any questions call or e-mail Ed Wilcox at 668-2793 or
Winter Weather Alert If we are experiencing bad weather, please tune in to your local TV or radio stations. If Fulton/Phoenix Schools are cancelled or delayed, there will be no morning Mass and all activities at the Church will be cancelled. If all after school activities are cancelled for Fulton/Phoenix, then we too will cancel all scheduled activities for that evening.
Adoration At Holy Trinity Mondays 8:30am-5:00pm
St.Stephens Altar Rosary Meets 2nd Tuesdays of the month at 7pm.
Holy Trinity Altar Rosary meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month Sept.-Nov.-March-May At 1pm in Bishops study. All are welcome if you need a ride Call Janet Weldin 315-593-6848 or Maryann Langlois 315-593-8999
Catholic Daughters meet 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30pm.
Knight of Columbus meets 2nd Tuesday at 7:30pm.
Phoenix Food Pantry Please make your checks out to Phoenix Area Food Pantry Inc.. The person in charge is Cathy Coville. You can reach the Food Pantry 315-695-4841
Just a reminder that Holy Trinity and St. Stephen's both have on line giving on the website. Just go to you church icon on the home page and follow the links instructions. Or just go to on- line giving on the home page. You can set it up to give weekly, monthly, a one time donation, etc. Check it out and take the stress away .