St Stephen's Altar & Rosary



The Altar & Rosary Society, women and men of the Parish, working under the protection and guidance of Mary, our Blessed Mother, will strive to promote devotion, love and dedication through prayer, reflection and service including care of the altar. We reach out to the parish women and men every second Tuesday of the month by inviting them to join us in recitation of the Rosary, refreshments and fellowship; while encouraging them to become members of the Society.

Altar & Rosary is a major organization in our parish. Its activities far exceed the original mission (to take care of the Altar and promote the Rosary). They promote and bring about our major social events and parish fundraisers such as the Strawberry Festival, Community Garage Sale,  Parish Picnic, Advent Evening of Reflection etc. . .

If you would like to reach the Altar Rosary Email: 

Up coming events

President Sue Shatrau 315-529-3832 (C)
Vice-President Cherie Edwards 315-297-9813 (C)
Secretary Emily Reilley 315-200-3500 (C)
Treasurer Laurie Mogilewski 315-695-2333
Cheerperson Terry Iorio 315-506-8341
Publicity Sue Shatrau 315-529-3832(c)315-593-6890(h)
September 01, 2024 Friendly hour
September 09, 2024 (Monday)Henley Park 911 memorial celebration 6:30 (bring a candle and chair)
September 10, 2024 Kick Off – put in bulletin - 6:00 – NO MASS – covered dish – officer host
?September , 2024 No Parish Picnic has been planes - Parish Picnic
October 06, 2024 Friendly hour
?October , 2024 Anointing of the sick Mass – Holy Trinity 4 & 8:30 and 10:30 at St. Stephens - Altar Rosary
will help pass out bulletins at St. Stephens.
October 08, 2024 6:30 Rosary - Chairperson Laurie Mogilewski – put Bunco in bulletin short meeting to
follow–collect for the food pantry - Mary Orr monetary donations only Make checks payable
to Phoenix Area Food Pantry.(put in bulletin the weekend before)Bunco–invite Christ the
King Senior group & Holy Trinity. Bring $1.00 lottery tickets for prizes.
October 20, 2024 Chili Cook Off Sunday from 11:30-3 Team Awesomeness Junior High Youth Group
November 12, 2024 Catholic Women’s Conference Speakers Sister Diedre Byrne, Ann Burns, Fr. Dan Rehill
And Fr. Haggerty
November 03, 2024 Monetary donations are due this weekend. Make checks out to Phoenix Area Food Pantry
drop in the collection marked Mary Orr food pantry.
?November 03, 2024 All Souls Day - Celebrating on Sunday 10:30 Mass
November 03, 2024 Friendly hour – Reilley Family
November 05, 2024 Election Day Spaghetti Dinner 11:30-1:30 {check polling
spots) & 4-6 chairperson–Mark Reilley
November 12, 2024 6:30 Rosary 7:00 Meeting to follow
November 17, 2024 Holiday Bake Sale – Chairpersons, friendly hour after Mass– ask for donations in Sept
November 23, 2024 Thanksgiving Day Mass @ 9 am
November 24, 2024 Put giving tree up after Mass
December 01, 2024 Friendly hour – Barnes Family
December 10, 2024 6:30 Rosary 7:00 Meeting to follow
December , 2024 Christmas Cantata 3pm Holy Trinity
December 26, 2024 St. Stephen our patron saint – Mass at 9am followed by coffee and donuts
January 05, 2025 Friendly hour
January 05, 2025 Epiphany Party–Chairperson–Sue, Sunday 1-2 cocktail & appetizers 2:00 dinner Church hall
w/buffet by Beth Edic Price will be $22.00 donation for food pantry/Erin’s Angels
February 02, 2025 Friendly hour
February 02, 2025 After Mass with youth group-Do Valentine bags for shut-ins 9:30 St. Stephens & Holy Trinity
- Cherie - chairperson-bags for shut-ins w/a Valentines theme
February 11, 2025 6:30 Rosary
At this meeting decide what amount to give (Phoenix Youth Council)The Bridge House for the fireworks. 2022 - $300.00
March 2025 TBA Lenten luncheon – Need to check with area churches
March 02, 2025 Friendly hour
March 05, 2025 Ash Wednesday – Fish Dinner – Mark Reilley, Terry Iorio & Sue Shatrau 4-6
March 07, 2025 Altar Rosary Mary’s Way Stations of the Cross–chairperson Cherie Edwards
March 11, 2025 6:30 Rosary 7:00 Meeting to follow
April 13, 2025 Palm Sunday craft, bake & cutlery sale Chairperson
Host friendly hour after all Mass
April 17, 2025 Holy Thursday – 7pm Mass
April 18, 2025 Good Friday – 3pm celebration of the Passion of Christ
April 20, 2025 Easter
April 2025 High School Senior recognition awards put on card table w/envelope to be mailed to
the parish or dropped in collection basket
April 06, 2025 Friendly hour
April 08, 2025 Paine’s - 6:00 go to Paine’s to do your own basket (Bring gardening gloves-all else will be
provided) Paine’s will provide coffee and hot water (Cost $30.00 A/R member $35.00
non-member)Call Cindy(592-2773) a week in advance w/count(Price not confirmed)
May 2025 1st Communion
May 04, 2025 Friendly hour
May 13, 2025 6:30 Rosary 7:00 Meeting & nomination of officers
May, 2025 Confirmation (no date yet)
June 01, 2025 Friendly hour
June 10, 2025 6:00 Mass Decade of the Rosary
Covered Dish Supper, Election of officers, Officers to host Installation of Altar
Rosary Officer @ Mass (check with Father)
June 27, 2025 Strawberry Festival
August 02, 2025 St. Stephens’s A/R 15th Annual Community Garage Sale – Chairperson Emily Reilley
August 2025 Altar Rosary dues $5.00

set up calendar for coming year Set up dates for Henley Park *indicates changes